You can get blacklisted finance when the banks will not help, it is true. As you are black listed and have a bad credit record, the banks will not allow you to borrow money because they are unable to trust that you will pay it back on time or at all. You are seen as a risk to lend money to by them because of your financial history, but do not despair, there are others out there who offer secured loans to people in your situation. All of these companies that are willing to help you will have their catch though, so it is up to you to pick out the ones who seem most reasonable.
The most important factor for you to take into consideration when you want to get blacklisted finance when the banks won’t help is the interest rate of the loan from the lender. As you are a risk, the interest rate added onto the loan amount will be higher than usual, but if you are desperate to borrow money, you will take it, and lenders know this, which is why they allow it whether you have a bad credit record or not. The secured loan is then yours, and it is up to you to make absolute sure that the payments reach the lender on time, otherwise they are sure to take extra legal action.
The banks have their obvious reasons for not wanting to lend you money, but other lenders know the risk they are taking and still they provide you with the funds. If you do not want to drag yourself even deeper through the mud, you have to make the loan payments your top priority until it is fully paid off. There are many different and willing lenders, all you have to do is find out which of them you would like to use to get blacklisted finance for that new car or personal reasons when the banks won’t help.