Gumtree Cape Town is an online classified ads service allowing people to browse for jobs, used goods, second hand cars, houses to buy or rent and much more. The website has evolved from the original that began in March 2000 as a local London classified advertising website in the UK. It was created to help people find employment, accommodation and get themselves started after moving to the City.
Since then it has grown in leaps and bounds and Gumtree Cape Town is just one of the ever growing community websites that form part of the group that now cover 60 cities across 6 different countries. The one in the UK has become the largest place for local community classifieds that include jobs, flat rentals and sharing. Every month over one million visitors view and use the site and more than 25,000 new rooms are advertised during each month.
There is so much more besides looking for a flat to rent or share as well. The site can help you find a second hand car, a date, a babysitter for your children or a new cycling partner or tennis racquet. The list goes on, you may be desperate to sell some items that you have not been able to get rid of through the local newspaper or you may be looking for a date yourself. Simply register with the site and you will be able to advertise just about anything you wish within the guidelines of the terms and conditions. There’s even a cool forum for those looking for help around the site or who wish to communicate regularly with others who are a part of the Gumtree Cape Town community.